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Understanding the Importance of Auto Service: A Guide for Everyone

Auto service is critical, and without it, you can lose your car or put yourself in danger. Hi, my name is Pete, and after ignoring my brakes for too long, I was in an accident. I made it my goal to learn everything I could about the importance of car service. Regardless of how much or how little you know about cars, I hope that these blogs can help you. I plan to focus on a range of topics related to auto service and possibly some other ideas as well. This is my first blog, and I hope that you enjoy it. When I'm not writing, I work in a coffee shop during the day and part-time for a telemarketing company in the evenings. I enjoy cooking and spending time with my family.

Understanding the Importance of Auto Service: A Guide for Everyone

Could Your A/C Compressor Be On the Way out?

by Alexandra Obrien

The air conditioning system fitted to your car or truck is a multifaceted affair and will rely on a number of important components to function correctly. One of the primary parts is the compressor, responsible for pressurising the refrigerant and making sure that it can flow through the system as it should. Yet, the compressor is prone to issues and especially in the hot Australian climate. How do you know if this part on your particular vehicle is beginning to fail, and what should you do about it?

How the Compressor Works

To allow the refrigerant to flow, the air conditioning system must receive a stable source of power. Consequently, the compressor is connected to the engine through a serpentine belt, allowing the system to function correctly when the motor is turning. Inside the compressor is a clutch mechanism, which mirrors the main transmission clutch in its effect. This clutch can disengage the engine from the A/C system when you do not need any additional cooling in the cabin.

Clutch Issues

Over time, the clutch may begin to seize and, if it does so, will struggle to engage or disengage the compressor from the engine. In this case, you may not be able to turn the A/C on or off and may notice some strange noises when you try to do so.

Bearing Problems

In addition, problems may arise with the compressor's main bearing. Grease may leak as the bearing starts to deteriorate, which can cause a high-pitched squealing noise as the compressor tries to turn. Eventually, the main bearing will seize altogether, and this could cause the serpentine belt to emit a high-pitched squeal. In the worst-case scenario, the belt could snap, and this could cause damage to other major components.

Loss of Efficiency

As the compressor continues to wear down, it may have trouble generating the pressure required to convert the refrigerant gas. In this case, you may notice that the air flowing through the vents in the cabin is quite warm, even when the system is on full blast.

Handing It Over to a Mechanic

Unfortunately, a malfunctioning A/C system can be caused by various problems, some of which may not have anything to do with the compressor. However, when you take your vehicle to a mechanic, they will probably pay close attention to this part, as it is one of the hardest working components in the system. Contact an auto air conditioning repair service to learn more. 
